Listen to The Rock do commentary on his first WWE match, 20 years ago · Great Job, Internet! · The A.V. Club : avclub
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Listen to The Rock do commentary on his first WWE match, 20 years ago · Great Job, Internet! · The A.V. Club
Listen to The Rock do commentary on his first WWE match, 20 years ago · Great Job, Internet! · The A.V. ClubDwayne "The Rock" Johnson has only been on YouTube for two months, but his channel is already host to a pretty eclectic batch of content.Some of it is on-message—a style guide from the guy who designs the costumes on Ballers, a foul-mouthed reality show about wrestling promos—but some of it is just bizarre.Witness, for example, the theme song for Pokérock, featuring vocals from the original Pokémon theme song's Jason Paige:A few days ago, though, the channel released some real content from the man himself: "Rock Reacts," which shows Johnson reacting to and talking about various video clips.
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furthermore rollingstone
The Rock Watches His First WWE Match From 1996
The Rock Watches His First WWE Match From 1996Remember 1996?It was a strange and wonderful time when a Clinton was president, you had to dial into the internet using a phone line and a young wrestler named Rocky Maivia made his debut at WWE's Survivor Series teaming up with Jake "The Snake" Roberts and, uh, Marc Mero in a match against Jerry Lawler, Crush and Goldust.Remember Maivia?
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in like manner usatoday
The Rock looks back at 1996 WWE debut and can't believe his haircut either
The Rock looks back at 1996 WWE debut and can't believe his haircut either
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson led his fans on a tour of memory lane with a look back at his first WWE match on YouTube.He made his debut at Madison Square Garden as "Rocky Maivia" at WWE's Survivor Series in Madison Square Garden in November 1996.His present-day commentary throughout the 9-minute video he posted is insightful and honest — like when he says what everyone is thinking about his hair:"Right now I am feeling myself.
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additionally wrestlinginc
Brooklyn Brawler Talks The Rock Not Liking His First WWE Contract, Ultimate Warrior Knocking Him Out
Brooklyn Brawler Talks The Rock Not Liking His First WWE Contract, Ultimate Warrior Knocking Him OutSource: Talk Is JerichoOn episode 287 of Talk Is Jericho, WWE Superstar and Fozzy frontman, Chris Jericho sat down with Steve Lombardi, also known as The Brooklyn Brawler.During the show, the renowned enhancement talent talked about traveling with Hulk Hogan and how they became friends.Also, Lombardi, who faced the likes of The Ultimate Warrior, The Rock, and Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat in their WWE debut matches, shared a few stories about the aforementioned professional wrestling legends.
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