Click below to find out 😎 — U SPORTS (@USPORTSca) January 22, 2018University of Alberta sprinter Ashley Whiteman's Twitter notifications were likely going off such as mad after she got a shoutout from American actor Dwayne Johnson. Congrats Ashley!" Johnson, who stars in the recent movie Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, said on Twitter quote-tweeting the Whiteman article. Congrats Ashley! — Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 22, 2018"This is awesome, you're awesome," Whiteman wrote in response to Johnson on Twitter. — Ashley Whiteman (@_awhites) January 22, 2018.

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson clearly a large fan of Disturbed
Well, clearly, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is! The wrester-turned-actor uncovered his love for pumping iron to Chicago-based rockers Disturbed in an Instagram post, followed by the band exchanging pleasantries by The Rock via Twitter. Read further: The Rock & Pete Wentz trade Twitter talkIt all started on Wednesday while Johnson shared a clip of himself working out to—what else?—"drop by The Sickness." Johnson doubled-drop on the Disturbed fervor in his Respond to the band, admitting which he's "been a 'Disturbed 1' for quite some time, boys. — Disturbed (@Disturbed) January 19, 2018Watch further: Who are a better alternative artists ever?Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is This time the subject of a musical
as declared in If there were any doubts that Dwayne Johnson was 1 of the biggest stars in Hollywood, well then where have you been the past few years? Well, in status you needed any further affirmation of only the method large the actor's stars has become, well then consider that the Person himself is This time will be the subject of his soown musical. The Metro Englandreports that a group of ladies writers, called Nevertheless She is producing the play, that is to be titled The People's Rock: A Musical. The musical though won't be about the actor's life or transformation as an actor, however is instead Determine in a dystopian aftertime. The report doesn't indicate whether Johnson was participate in any method by this musical.Get availiable for a musical about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
The People's Rock is a musical which is Determine to premiere in London this 7 days & going to be all about Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. Shaw explained which the concept of The People's Rock started as further of a joke than anything. When the other characters going to be played with people, "The Fairy RockMother" as he is called in the musical, going to be in the mind of the main character as nobody believes her which Dwayne Johnson in reality existed. When Johnson isn't taking portion in this musical & cannot attend, he tweeted his backing & hoped them luck. #ThePeoplesRock @VAULTFestival — Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) January 17, 2018[Metro/picture: Metro]collected by Nolan Max
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